Image-Guided Biopsy

All Referral Letters Accepted.
Bulk Billing Available(Conditions Apply)

An imaging-guided biopsy is a highly effective diagnostic tool. As it is not always possible to diagnose exactly what a lump detected by either your doctor or medical imaging scans is, it can be very useful to perform an imaging guided biopsy of the area. This may be a clinical decision by your doctor, or may be suggested by the radiologist at the time of reporting your initial scan.

Please inform the staff if you are, or may be, pregnant or if you are diabetic.
Please also advise us if you have a recent history of peptic ulcers.


The procedure is relatively simple and fast. We will start by asking you a few questions about your lump. Your answers to these questions as well as a review of other available data such as ultrasounds and x-rays will help to establish a diagnosis. The specialist radiologist will then examine the lump to determine its physical characteristics. Next, the skin over the lump will be numbed through the use of an ice pack or by injecting a few drops of a local anesthetic. The actual biopsy time is brief lasting only a few seconds. The biopsy needle is considerably smaller than that used to draw blood from your arm. After the needle is introduced into the lump, suction is applied for a few seconds there may be brief discomfort. The biopsy is over. Once the procedure is finished, you are free to resume your regular activities.


There are no specific preparation requirements for a biopsy. Please let our staff know whether you are on any blood thinning medications, or allergic to anything.


Using imaging guidance,the needle is placed in the correct position and the sample of cells is taken from within the lesion. This sample is then sent to a pathology clinic for testing. The level of pain experienced by each patient varies, with it being a relatively pain-free procedure.


After the procedure the results will be reported by our radiologist, Dr. Himanshu Kaushik. The pathology results will not be immediately available, and results may take up to three working days to be received. You may wait while the images are prepared, and a preliminary report given to you. Comprehensive Medical Imaging strongly advises that you return to your referring doctor, in order for your doctor to discuss your pathology radiology report with you, after confirming biopsy results have arrived.


Why do I need a biopsy?
It is not always possible to diagnose exactly the nature of a lump or mass detected by either your doctor or medical imaging scans, without performing an imaging-guided biopsy of the area.

When will my results be ready?
Your results will usually be available 2 -3 days after the biopsy, and will be sent directly from the pathology lab to your doctor. We highly recommend that you discuss all biopsy results with your doctor.

Are there any restrictions after a biopsy?
This depends on the region being biopsied. The staff of Comprehensive Medical Imaging will provide you with specific instructions for post biopsy care.

What if I have bleeding tendencies?
Depending on the area of biopsy, we may need you to cease blood thinning medication prior to the biopsy, as well as provide recent blood test results. Make sure your doctor has a list of your medications well ahead of your scan. After the biopsy you will be asked to avoid blood thinning medication, including aspirin.

What is the risk of infection?
If you have a local skin or systemic infection, a biopsy may put you at greater risk for spreading the infection into the local area. Make sure to tell your doctor if you have any infected wounds, boils, or rashes anywhere on your body. Will the doctor performing my biopsy tell me what’s wrong? Your pathology results will usually be available 2 -3 days after the biopsy, and will be sent direct from the pathology lab to your doctor. We highly recommend that you discuss all biopsy results with your referring doctor.

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